While surfing the web i came across this website payperpost, and i couldnt believe! it actually paid the bloggers to write posts. I had some doubts first about the genuinity of the site but, but later i found out its a high reputed site ran by izea!. I said its worth giving a try. I joined and found what? There are thousands of oppurtunities waiting for all, i couldn't grab the oppurtunities in the begining as my blog was started few weeks before i joined payperpost. I waited for some time and found my blog was approved there!.

I am very happy im now a part of payperpost. The best thing i found about payperpost is that the oppurtunities they provide, guarantees you high return of what you do, a mark of quality. Im also part of izea's new website Socialspark which provides a platform for advertisers and bloggers.

The income i get from payperpost, i will use part of it for the my blog promotion and remaining for shopping :P . I recommend all my visitors to join this community, it provides lots of oppurtunities to bloggers.